(2017) Hungría
Ferenc Torok
Recién terminada la guerra, a una pequeña aldea húngara llegan un par de judíos, justo el día en que se celebra la boda del hijo del pequeño cacique del lugar. La presencia de los judíos levanta la sospecha de aquellos que aprovecharon la contienda para quedarse con los bienes de los judíos deportados por los nazis. La culpa, el miedo y la miseria moral toman cuerpo en este western, rodado en blanco y negro, muy original, breve y certero.
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This may sound pretty creepy, and maybe even a little "supernatural"
HOW would you like it if you could just push "Play" and LISTEN to a short, "miracle tone"...
And suddenly bring MORE MONEY into your life???
What I'm talking about is hundreds... even thousands of dollars!
Sound too EASY??? Think something like this is not for real?!?
Well, Let me tell you the news..
Many times the most significant miracles life has to offer are also the EASIEST!
In fact, I will PROVE it to you by allowing you to listen to a REAL "miracle money tone" I developed...
YOU just hit "Play" and you will start having more money come into your life... starting pretty much right away...
GO here NOW to PLAY the magical "Miracle Wealth Building Tone" - as my gift to you!
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